அல்லாஹ் (இறைவன்) கருணையாளன். அவனே அனைவரையும் படைத்துள்ளான். அவனின் கருணையைக் கொண்டே அனைத்து உயிர்களும் ஜீவிக்கின்றன.
“வேண்டுதல் வேண்டாமை இலான்அடி சேர்ந்தார்க்கு
யாண்டும் இடும்பை இல!”.-திருக்குறள்.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
How To Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers
Methods for how to get rid of mouth ulcers depend on the severity and type of the existing ulcers. The most common kinds of these ulcers include cold sores on the skin close to the lips and internal canker blisters on the sensitive inner lining of the mouth. Both of these sores can be quite painful and uncomfortable, but most of them can be treated successfully with some home remedies or with topical medicines available in most drug stores.
Cankers inside the mouth typically result from a variety of conditions such as an allergic reaction to certain bacteria in the mouth, an overactive immune system that attacks healthy cells by accident, or minor injuries from inadvertently biting the soft tissue inside the mouth. Some people are more prone to canker blisters than others, and a few can get them for no apparent reason at all. Most canker blisters are relatively small, although others can grow to more than one centimeter in diameter and can be excessively painful.
Eliminating a canker blister quickly often involves keeping it as clean as possible to prevent harmful bacteria from invading the injured tissue. One of the first steps that physicians recommend is to rinse the mouth several times a day with warm salt water. This step should ideally be done as soon as possible after each meal or snack; the salt carries away food residue and bacteria away quite effectively. Many canker sufferers also apply ointment containing soothing ingredients such as amlexanox to these mouth ulcers. Minor sores treated at home with these methods usually clear up in approximately one week.
Some cankers are large and severe enough to need medical attention in order to prevent deeper bacterial invasion. Most doctors prescribe a concentrated mouthwash containing medicines such as dexamethasone that kill the bacteria and speed up the healing process. Topical canker sore ointments containing tetracycline also help to heal these sores effectively.
Getting rid of cold sores is a different process since these ulcers are usually at the corners of the lips, although they can also appear on the upper or lower lip. The Type I herpes simplex virus is responsible for these kinds of mouth sores, and this infection is relatively common. Cold sores should normally heal without scarring as long as they are left alone. Doctors often strongly advise against popping or picking at the cold sores; this action can spread the viral infection to others and prolong the healing process.
The first step for treating a cold sore is to find a good quality topical cream with antiviral ingredients such as docosanol will shorten the cold sore's duration and help relieve pain. This type of medicine will also help prevent the virus from spreading to other people. Many cold sore sufferers also take care of the sore's irritation with pain relievers such as aspirin.
Answers for how to get rid of mouth ulcers are relatively simple ones for either type of sore. An important part of the process is to allow the body to naturally heal itself. Ulcers that are treated promptly carry little risk of more serious infections.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Muslim Heritage In Our Hospitals - Bettany Hughes
Historian Bettany Hughes introduces us to the underappreciated wealth of Muslim Heritage that exists all around us in our everyday lives.
She tells us how hospitals, pharmacies, sophisticated surgery, dentistry, the understanding of blood circulation, vaccination and many other medical developments came to us from Muslim civilisation.
Discoveries made from the 7th to 17th centuries by multi-faith scientists in Muslim civilisation have had a huge but hidden influence on the modern world.
Knowledge from Assyrian, Babylonian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Persian and Roman civilisations was highly prized in the Muslim world.
Men and women scholars advanced science by building upon the ancients and making breakthroughs that paved the way for the European Renaissance.
This Golden Age of Discovery in the Muslim World (southern Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and to China) took place during the so-called Dark Ages of Europe.
Muslim civilisation promoted free-thinking, rationalism and tolerance. Many scholars expressed their faith by seeking to serve society and improve quality of life for others.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
காலில் விழ மாட்டேன் - புதிய தலைவன் உதயம்
நான் முல்லைத்தீவில் மிகவும் கஷ்ட சூழ்நிலையில் கல்வி கற்றேன். முகாம்களில்
இருந்து படித்துள்ளேன். நான் எனது தந்தை, தாயார் ஆசிரியரின் காலில்
விழுவேனே தவிர ஏனையோரின் காலில் விழ மாட்டேன்' மாணவன் பரமேஸ்வரன்
சேதுராகவன் கூறினான். அகில இலங்கையில் இரண்டாவது அதிகூடிய புள்ளிகளைப்
(194) பெற்ற முல்லைத்தீவு,
நெத்தலியாறு தமிழ் மகா வித்தியாலய மாணவன் பரமேஸ்வரன் சேதுராகவன்
அனைவர்க்கும் ஓர் எடுத்துக்காட்டு .
சேதுராகவன் அமைச்சரின் காலில் விழ மறுப்பு தெரிவித்து அவ்விடத்திலிருந்து அகன்றான்.
சேதுராகவன் அமைச்சரின் காலில் விழ மறுப்பு தெரிவித்து அவ்விடத்திலிருந்து அகன்றான்.
அமைச்சரின் காலில் விழுந்து வணங்குமாறு மாணவனின் தந்தை, தாயார்
வலியுறுத்தியபோதிலும் அம்மாணவன் பிடிவாதமாக நின்றுகொண்டிருந்தான். இதனால்
அமைச்சர் சங்கடத்துக்கு உள்ளானபோதிலும் அவர், தொடர்ந்தும் இந்நிகழ்வில்
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Muslims In Vietnam - வியட்நாமில் முஸ்லீம்கள்
Khmer Programmation: Muslim Community in Chau Giang - An Giang, Vietnam.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Agaram Foundation -working towards helping the under-privileged
An organization (Agaram Foundation)working towards helping the under-privileged in attaining their right to knowledge and quality education. Agaram provides a platform for better learning, a podium to brighten their tomorrow and give them the best in their pursuit of happiness by transforming their dreams to reality. உதவி செய்ய தயாராக இருக்கும் நடிகர் சூர்யாஅவர்களுக்கு நமது வாழ்த்துகள். அகரம் பௌன்டேசனுக்கும் நடிகர் சூர்யாஅவர்களுக்கும் .
வாழ்க .வளர்க உங்கள் தொண்டு .
உதவி நாட www.agaram.in
உங்கள் கல்வி தொடர உதவி நாட அகரம் பௌன்டேசன்
தேவையென்றால் தயங்காமல் அனுகுங்கள்.
We are an organization working towards helping the under-privileged in attaining their right to knowledge and quality education.
"Education promotes civilization and enables an individual to conquer challenges. I am reminded of Vladimir Lenin here when he came to power he said the first thing he would reform is education second is education and third is education. We are still at the grassroots its high time we realize that education is no more a want but a basic necessity in life apart from food, shelter and clothing. It is an answer to overcome eco imbalance of not only an individual, but of the family and ultimately the society Help extended to an individual in any other form only benefits that individual but when you impart education you are providing hope to the whole family which in turn benefits the society."
வாழ்க .வளர்க உங்கள் தொண்டு .
உதவி நாட www.agaram.in
உங்கள் கல்வி தொடர உதவி நாட அகரம் பௌன்டேசன்
தேவையென்றால் தயங்காமல் அனுகுங்கள்.
We are an organization working towards helping the under-privileged in attaining their right to knowledge and quality education.
"Education promotes civilization and enables an individual to conquer challenges. I am reminded of Vladimir Lenin here when he came to power he said the first thing he would reform is education second is education and third is education. We are still at the grassroots its high time we realize that education is no more a want but a basic necessity in life apart from food, shelter and clothing. It is an answer to overcome eco imbalance of not only an individual, but of the family and ultimately the society Help extended to an individual in any other form only benefits that individual but when you impart education you are providing hope to the whole family which in turn benefits the society."
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
"Children are one third of our population and all ...
More. |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friends are like flowers நண்பர்கள் - நட்பு
குறள் 788:
உடுக்கை இழந்தவன் கைபோல ஆங்கே
இடுக்கண் களைவதாம் நட்பு.
As hand of him whose vesture slips away,Explanation:
Friendship at once the coming grief will stay.
(True) friendship hastens to the rescue of the afflicted (as readily) as the hand of one whose garment is loosened (before an assembly).Source : http://www.thirukkural.com/2009/02/blog-post_24.html
S.E.A. முஹம்மது அலி ஜின்னா நீடூர்.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Prophet Muhammad's(Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) life.
Prophet Muhammad's final speach to mankind before his death over almost one thousand 500 years ago!!! (summary read by Yusuf Islam)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The biggest mosque and The oldest mosque in China
The great mosque in Xian is the biggest mosque in China and one of the most impressive mosques.
It is believed that Islam began in China during the Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan, the third Caliph of Islam.
The Caliph sent a deputation to China in 29 AH (650 CE, eighteen years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The delegation was headed by Sa'ad ibn Waqqas a maternal uncle of the Prophet. Sa'ad Ibn Waaqas invited the Chinese Emperor (Yung-Wei) to embrace Islam.
To show his admiration for Islam the Emperor ordered the establishment of China's first Mosque. The magnificent Canton Mosque is known to this day as the 'memorial mosque' and it still stands after fourteen centuries.
In Arab records there are only sparse records of the event, but there is a brief mention in the ancient records of the Tang dynasty. Chinese Muslims consider this event to mark the birth of Islam in China.
Source : http://www.bbc.co.uk
It is believed that Islam began in China during the Caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan, the third Caliph of Islam.
The Caliph sent a deputation to China in 29 AH (650 CE, eighteen years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The delegation was headed by Sa'ad ibn Waqqas a maternal uncle of the Prophet. Sa'ad Ibn Waaqas invited the Chinese Emperor (Yung-Wei) to embrace Islam.
To show his admiration for Islam the Emperor ordered the establishment of China's first Mosque. The magnificent Canton Mosque is known to this day as the 'memorial mosque' and it still stands after fourteen centuries.
In Arab records there are only sparse records of the event, but there is a brief mention in the ancient records of the Tang dynasty. Chinese Muslims consider this event to mark the birth of Islam in China.
Source : http://www.bbc.co.uk
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Nazeel Azami - The Traveller
Lyrics: Nazeel Azami
I'm a traveler
Just as they were
Walking the world
Thinking of the past
On an earth so vast
Waiting to return
I am here just to know you
Whoever you are
Laugh with you, learn from you
Open to you my heart
But soon will I
Say goodbye and move on
While I'm here I will always try to be
The kind of neighbor who prays for you and me
Here for you
A shoulder to
Turn to
Been a pleasure to know you,
I've learned so much
Pray for you, hope to meet you,
My heart you have touched
Remember me
So I might be
With you
Return, to my Lord
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Holy Makkah Live Telecast.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Masala Restaurant -மசாலா உணவகம் - துபாயில் அனைத்து இந்திய உணவு
துபாயில் அனைத்து இந்திய உணவு
செப் ஒசாமா தொழில்முறை சமையல்காரர்
காரமான பழுப்பு அரிசி உள்ள வேகவைத்த மீன் - நண்டு குழம்பு, வெங்காய ஊறுகாய் - கொத்தமல்லி-வாட்டு கோழிக்கறியுடன் கொண்டு வாட்டு ஆடுகள் chops இஞ்சி மற்றும் ஹாட் சில்லி மிளகு-நான் ரொட்டி மற்றும் ரோடி ரொட்டி.
For all the Indian cuisine’s lovers, Chef Osama presents a unique episode with professional chef, he is chef/ Cyrus- the owner of Café Spice Namaste, which has been classified as the only Indian restaurant in the UK, That made Chef Cyrus, the most famous chef in the United Kingdom. The episode is in collaboration with (MASALA) restaurant, with presence of Chef Monal- The restaurant’s head chef- Episode’s menu: steamed fish in banana leaves- spicy brown rice – crab curry- onion pickle – grilled lamb chops with coriander- grilled chicken with ginger and hot chili pepper- Naan bread and Roti bread.
செப் ஒசாமா தொழில்முறை சமையல்காரர்
காரமான பழுப்பு அரிசி உள்ள வேகவைத்த மீன் - நண்டு குழம்பு, வெங்காய ஊறுகாய் - கொத்தமல்லி-வாட்டு கோழிக்கறியுடன் கொண்டு வாட்டு ஆடுகள் chops இஞ்சி மற்றும் ஹாட் சில்லி மிளகு-நான் ரொட்டி மற்றும் ரோடி ரொட்டி.
For all the Indian cuisine’s lovers, Chef Osama presents a unique episode with professional chef, he is chef/ Cyrus- the owner of Café Spice Namaste, which has been classified as the only Indian restaurant in the UK, That made Chef Cyrus, the most famous chef in the United Kingdom. The episode is in collaboration with (MASALA) restaurant, with presence of Chef Monal- The restaurant’s head chef- Episode’s menu: steamed fish in banana leaves- spicy brown rice – crab curry- onion pickle – grilled lamb chops with coriander- grilled chicken with ginger and hot chili pepper- Naan bread and Roti bread.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
அல்லாஹ் அல்ஹம்துலில்லாஹ்
நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களுக்கருகில் இரண்டு மனிதர்கள் தும்மினர். அப்போது அவர்களில் ஒருவருக்கு நபி (ஸல்) அவர்கள் (‘யர்ஹமுகல்லாஹ் – அல்லாஹ் உமக்குக் கருணை புரிவானாக’ என்று) மறுமொழி கூறினார்கள். மற்றொருவருக்கு மறுமொழி கூறவில்லை. அப்போது அவர்களிடம் (இது குறித்துக்) கேட்கப்பட்டது. அதற்கவர்கள், ‘இவர் (தும்மியவுடன்) ‘அல்ஹம்துலில்லாஹ்’ என்று இறைவனைப் புகழ்ந்தார். அவர், ‘அல்ஹம்துலில்லாஹ்’ என்று இறைவனைப் புகழவில்லை. (எனவே, இவருக்கு மறுமொழி பகர்ந்தேன். அவருக்கு மறுமொழி பகரவில்லை)” என்று பதிலளித்தார்கள். புஹாரி : 6221 அனஸ் [...]
நபி ஸல்லல்லாஹு அலைஹி வஸல்லம் அவர்கள் நவின்றுள்ளதாக அபூஹுரைரா ரளியல்லாஹு அன்ஹு அவர்கள் அறிவிக்கின்றார்கள், '‘அல்லாஹ், ஆதம் அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம் அவர்களைப் படைத்து உயிரை ஊதியவுடன் அவர்கள் தும்மினார்கள். உடனே ‘அல்ஹம்துலில்லாஹ்’ (புகழனைத்தும் அல்லாஹ்வுக்கே) என்று அல்லாஹ்வை அவனது அனுமதியுடன் புகழ்ந்தார்கள். உடனே இறைவன் சொன்னான், ‘யர்ஹமுகல்லாஹ்’ (இறைவன் உமக்கு அருள் புரிவானாக).
ஹாஜி நாகூர் ஹனிபாவின் இஸ்லாமிய இன்னிசை
Thursday, September 1, 2011
தமிழ் மொழியில் சாதி முன்னிலையில்...! மாமா என்றால் யார் ?
மீனா கந்தசாமி அவர்கள் விஜய் டீவீயில் பேட்டி(நீயா நானாவில்)
Source : http://meenu.wordpress.com/
About Meena Kandasamy
Meena Kandasamy (b.1984) is a poet, writer, activist and translator. She sees each of these as a way of engaging with her identity as a woman, a Dalit and a Tamil, three categories of belonging with a history of resistance to oppression. Meena was the youngest person ever to represent India as a writer-in-residence at the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program 2009. Her debut poetry collection, Touch, was published in 2006 to widespread critical acclaim. A second collection, Ms.Militancy, will be published later this year. She was a featured poet at the City of Asylum Jazz Poetry Concert 2009 held in Pittsburgh, USA and performed at the 14th Poetry Africa International Festival in October 2010 in Durban. Two of her poets, ‘Mascara’ and ‘My Lover Speaks of Rape‘ have won first prizes in pan-India poetry competitions, and her poetry has been profiled in several international publications. Previously, she edited ‘The Dalit’, a bi-monthly English magazine. She translated the writings and speeches of Dalit leader Thol.Thirumavalavan and Dravidian ideologue Periyar EVR; and the poetry of Eelam Tamil poets Kasi Anandan, Cheran and Jayapalan. She holds a PhD in socio-linguistics, and is now working on her first novel. She is presently based in Chennai.
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